Monday, April 28, 2014

Are Your Post Google Activities Making You Smart...

The link below is of an interesting interview: Is Google Making Us Stupid? This interview got me thinking...

I get a lot of crap from coworkers (and other observers) because I keep a LOT of browser windows open at once (hundreds). However, as this discussion points out, the web makes it easy to gather information but it's rather poor at letting you ponder and consider this information. By keeping things in my context I can shuffle and reorganize the info. Sometimes I get ideas about things days after I've found it and have had time to consider the implications and reflect on the idea. This is because it's open in a window and in my consciousness - it stays in context.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Innovation is status quo. Discovery and invention is still hard to do...

When a tech company (or car company, which today are tech companies) say INNOVATIVE what they mean is "WELL DESIGNED."