Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Explain Your Framework Before Implanting Your Memories...

Please explain your framework before telling me how to use it

JavaScript framework creators need to explain how their software works, not just how to work it.

It took me a while to figure out how to say this, but something has been bothering me about most of the JS libraries.   It's become very trendy to throw up a "quick-start" for a library.  Great.  I like to start quick.  But site after site does not explain how their library/framework works.

Perhaps the developers think you'll be able to "figure it out" but if your like me, you have a problem.   I've realized that I learn new things by getting a basic understanding of how it works and use that understanding to build a mental model.  As I read a quick-start or installation guide, I "hang" that new knowledge off the items in my mental model.  As I gain more experience and insight I update the model and adjust the learning but the mental model gives me a place to start.

By skipping over the "here's how this works" phase, I have no place to "hang" my insights.  I'm bothered by thoughts of "how and why are you doing this" for every single new thing I discover.  Not only does this slow me down when learning the new library, but it handicaps my ability to access it's strengths and weaknesses.

Please, if you build a library/framework, provide a picture or description of how your system works along with the quick-start.  Thank you.

This insight also offers some guidance for how I need to explain things to people and which things I want to provide diagrams for when giving my own architectural reviews.

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